Oprah, Shmoprah

My focus is to share my story Adventures with Kazmir the Flying Camel with as many people as possible. Like a million other people, I thought it would be really fun to get on Oprah's book list. I even have Kazmir available as a Kindle eBook and thought this would be appealing to her people. But that woman is hard to reach. In my desperation amid unreturned queries, I made a bet with myself; "I bet it's easier to reach the President of the United States than it is to reach Oprah." About a week later, I was invited to a birthday party at a friend's house for his daughter. I'm being sociable amongst the kiddies and the parents when I overhear someone say they used to work for the White House. I sauntered over to participate in the conversation. I felt nonchalant, but in reality, I may have knocked down a kid or two in my excitement.

So my new friend and I are talking and I share the audiobook. She calls me from her car one day as she finished the story and said, "You've gotta send this to my friend. She works at the White House and will get it to the Obama girls!"



And that friend walked Kazmir into the White House one day at work and handed it to the First Family. From my initial bet to the White House took 4 weeks. I still haven't heard back from Oprah's people!