A Long Shot

In my spare time, I'm the President of the Board for the Down Syndrome Association of Los Angeles. My Executive Director, Gail Williamson, invites me to attend a seminar for writers with disabilities at the Writer's Guild. This intrigues me and I go with her, you know, to represent. It's all very interesting and the people are amazing. Then the speaker acknowledges a few noteworthy people in attendance, one who is a producer on Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston's show. Hey! I know Bryan. So I use this as my introduction to meet her and invite her to coffee. She's really nice and I soak up all her advice on getting a movie made. "I don't know," I tell her, "I could see Kazmir directed by Rob Reiner in a Princess Bride style. I could see Kazmir done by Tim Burton in his darker style. The story has elements for both. I also don't want to rule out Pixar." She suggests that I write a letter and just ask if there's interest to direct my movie. That sounds simple enough. Sure, Rob Reiner and TIm Burton are just people like us, right?

I contact all the people I know, trying to find at least 6 degrees of separation to Mr. Tim Burton. Sure, I'll write a letter, but it always seems better to say that so-and-so suggested I contact you. I just can't believe that no one knows the man. I mean, he works. He's gotta eat.

Well, maybe our paths will cross, but in the meantime, I might as well try just sending a letter and audiobook to his company. It's a long-shot, but so was writing this book, and getting Bryan Cranston to narrate it, and getting it talked about on national TV on the Bonnie Hunt Show. Let's face it, long-shots aren't what they once were.